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Monday 4 April 2011

Let’s Talk Chakras

Think of your chakras as your energetic spinal cord.  The spinal cord is connected to our brain, and consists of millions of nerve fibers which transmit electrical information to and from the limbs, trunk and organs, back to and from the brain.  The spinal cord controls several important functions such as skin temperature, pain, joint position, movement and body functions.  Similarly, the chakras run alongside your spinal cord, connected to the divine brain.  Each chakra can be described as a powerhouse that generates and stores universal life force energy.  It controls and manages the energetic flow of prana or universal life force energy within our bodies.  Imbalances in the chakras can manifest on several different levels:  spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.  On a physical level, each chakra influences or governs bodily functions near its region of the spine.   Below we will go into greater detail of what the chakras govern on all different levels.

The Root Chakra:

Our root chakra is located at the tailbone.  It is our body’s connection to the earth.  Its primary function is survival- for example, food, clothing, shelter, protection, procreation and drive.  It is responsible for our most basic and primitive urges.  Because everyone has their own idea of what we need to survive- the root chakra is a very individual energy center.  For example, someone who is sensitive to too much stimulation would not do well living in a downtown area where there is a lot of people and commotion.  This alone could cause the root chakra to become off balance.  Another example of what could block this chakra is worrying about finances or living in a home where there is a lot of arguing or violence.  These types of situations are what can throw this chakra into a state of chaos because the situation appears to be threatening our survival.   When this chakra is off balance, we will behave is a very defensive way.  It will stimulate feelings of insecurity and self doubt.   We can heal this area by working from the inside out.  By understanding and taking on the new perspective that we create who we are and what we feel in a given circumstance.  Outside circumstances don’t control us, we control it.  If we can find balance within ourselves, we will ultimately find balance with the rest of the world. 

The Sacral Chakra:

Right above our root chakra, is our sacral chakra.  The primary function of this chakra is pleasure- relating to everything we find pleasing to our senses.  This chakra is a continuation of the first chakra- it goes from survival, to actually enjoying all the things in life.  If this chakra is blocked or out of balance we can resort to unhealthy behaviors of thrill seeking.  Addictions can manifest as a result of a blocked sacral chakra.   

The Solar Plexus Chakra:

Right above the Sacral chakra lies the Solar Plexus chakra.  This is the area which governs are own individual sense of power.  Our boundaries, personal beliefs and ethics develop from this chakra.  Blockage in this chakra attracts conflict and chaos into our lives.

The Heart Chakra:

The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest around the heart.  This energy center is driven purely by love.  It influences forgiveness, compassion, empathy, trust, and ease with our life.  When this chakra is balanced and in harmony with the lower and upper charkas it allows us to truly help others by allowing us to fully experience the joy of unconditional love.  When we reach this state, we feel a sense of peace with ourselves and with the world around us.  It promotes rejuvenation, rebirth, development, success, transformation- it brings into balance to all parts of ourselves.  If there is an imbalance or block in this chakra it can manifest physically in the form of circulatory, lung or heart problems.  On an emotional level it can cause us to become unstable.

The Throat Chakra:

The throat chakra is located at our throats.  We all have some sort of creative side to us.  We do not have to be artists or musicians- it could be creativity in your job, with your children, at home, etc.  The throat chakra acts as our outlet for this creative expression.  We need to give “voice” to this chakra’s creativity.  Furthermore, this chakra is also an outlet for speaking our inner truth.  When we are fearful of being judged for what we believe in, this chakra can become blocked.  An unbalanced throat chakra can also cause us to strive for attention in unhealthy ways.  As we progress further up the chakra line, spirituality becomes more significant.  When we are balanced in the throat chakra we feel a surge of energy to express and create ourselves.  This creative flow of energy will give us a sense of pure joy and meaning in our lives.  In this state, we are easily able to express our inner truth leaving us feeling inspired and insightful.  

The Third Eye Chakra:

This chakra is located on the centre of your forehead.  The third eye is responsible for the bigger questions in life, such as “Why are we here?”; “What is the meaning of life?”; What is our purpose?”  When the third eye is balanced and open, we are highly intuitive and trusting of our inner voice.  When there is an imbalance or block in this chakra, we may feel depressed, disillusioned or constantly searching for the easy way out of life’s challenges.  We will know if our Third Eye is open and activated because we will be full of energy and our intuition will constantly be leading us to the right places, the right times and the right answers.  It is imperative to have our Heart Chakra open if we are to fully trust the intuitive guidance of our Third Eye. 

The Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra governs our connection to the divine.  It represents spiritual awakening and awareness, enlightenment, nirvana, etc.  When this chakra is fully open and realized we become one with the universe and we glow with energy and life.  David Pond describes it well; he says “merging with the infinite allows you to see into the souls of others."  Once we do this, we will truly understand unconditional love, acceptance and bliss.  When we are able to see into another human being’s soul, we are unable to judge or harm them.  When we have reached this state, we want to share our experiences and knowledge with others.  We want to live our lives in service of the greater good.  Our life purpose is to fully experience this chakra in all its joy.  When we do, all things will fall into place.  The best way to naturally allow this chakra to open is to surrender and have faith.  When this chakra is blocked it can cause severe problems.  It can lead to us creating an alternate reality where we can’t sociably interact with others.

When performing Reiki, we are manipulating the energy to open your chakras and clear any blocks.  The following links are great websites that provide suggestions to balance and open your own chakras at home: