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Wednesday 2 March 2011

Our story...

One of our favourite parts of doing sessions is connecting with our clients and learning about their stories and what brought them here.  They are always curious to know how our paths have led us to alternative healing. 
Sharing our stories with others has been a very healing and uplifting experience.  It serves as a reminder for us as to how far we’ve come.  It also strengthens our unwavering belief that everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences.   Everything in our lives has been divinely guided- just like yours. 
Since we met, we always knew that we would open a business together. We always knew that we were meant to work together in some way.  We used to drive around on our Sunday drives and just imagine what our lives would look like when we finally figured it all out.  We picked out our dream properties in Constance Bay and planned to live side by side on the water.  We plotted and schemed how we would get our boyfriends to be best friends... because well, they just had to be!  All the while, through our planning and dreaming, unseen forces where lining up to bring those dreams into reality.  They came in unexpected ways and there were times when we were discouraged, feeling hopeless and frustrated with the process.  But we kept our faith.  Even in the darkest of times, we kept our faith that everything is happening for a reason.
We are very blessed because we had each other to go through these experiences with.  And we have a wonderful support system who believes in us and who are behind us 100%.  And that's what we vowed to be for our clients: A loving and caring support system along their journey.  We have attracted the most wonderful people into our lives and we feel truly blessed that we get to be a part of their journeys. 
It sounds silly to say that we have 'awakened' through this process; because truthfully we are humbled enough to know that there is still so much to learn and experience.  But for lack of a better term, this is what it has felt like for us: being awake, feeling completely alive, living our lives with the new perspective that we are spiritual beings on a human journey.
It’s interesting because this process of 'becoming awake' seems to always be triggered by a profound experience that often looks and feels negative when you are going through it. It’s almost as if this experience was created for us to feel like we've hit rock bottom. We've hit a wall and now there is nowhere else to look, but up.  And nowhere else to find answers, but inside.  One of our favourite quotes that rings so true for us is: “if you don't go within, you go without.” 
Another way of looking at this is Chaos Theory- chaotic systems do not always stay chaotic.  They become more and more chaotic until they reach some sort a chaotic critical mass.  It is at this point where these systems begin to reorganize themselves at a higher equilibrium or frequency.  This is true for nature and can also be seen in people’s lives.  Some would argue that this is what is happening in the world right now.
After sharing our stories with clients and friends, more often than not people feel relieved when we tell them that not too long ago- we were in exactly their shoes.  Searching for answers, questioning the meaning of things, unsure about what are life purpose was.  This search led one of us to Sedona, Arizona on a spiritual retreat.   This retreat changed both of our lives. That's the funny thing about us- we are profoundly impacted by the others experiences.  (So when we say that one of us went on a spiritual retreat- it was really like both of us going on a spiritual retreat.)  The trip to Sedona was the catalyst for a major life change for us.  It was an amazing experience that inspired us to learn different types of healing modalities.      
We do not believe in coincidences and feel that we have attracted many people into our lives that are at that same point that we were.  When clients and friends explain these feelings to us, we gently remind them that although this is a painful time- it is also one of opportunity for incredible transformation.  We are living proof that if you can change your perception of what's going on in your life- you can literally change your world.
Changing your perception is a powerful tool for manifestation and creating the life you desire.  It can be challenging at first, but there are fun ways to get started.  The first thing we did after the spiritual retreat in Sedona was a vision board class at St. Elmos Fire.  We spent hours and hours going through magazines and collecting images of what we wanted our lives to look like in the future.  We selected quotes that inspired us and added sayings that we wanted to be true about ourselves.  For example:  “I am a healer”, “I am AWAKE!”, “I am in love!”, etc.  After collecting all of these images we then put it on a large poster and stuck an image of ourselves right in the center. 

Creating a vision board of what you want your future to look like is the fun and easy part, the power of manifesting those dreams into reality lies in how you use your vision board in your daily life.  We put our vision boards in a location in our bedrooms, so that when we woke up in the morning it was the first thing we saw.  We would take 5 minutes a day to meditate and visualize ourselves in the pictures of our vision board.  We would feel all of the wonderful feelings that these visions would bring as if we were actually living it now.  That is the key:  feeling as if you already have it.  The goal is to raise your frequency to a level of complete happiness, knowing that you have all of these things you desire now.  Faith is the other ingredient in this manifestation process.   Faith in the Universe or in God, or whatever you may believe.  Complete faith that if you just start to feel happy now (and that truly is your only job); the rest will be divinely guided and figured out for you.
It is absolutely amazing to see our vision boards coming into reality.  What we have in our lives now may not look identical to the pictures on our boards (although some of them do!), but the feelings that it brings are the same.  We would even say that the feelings it has brought us are even better because we know that we have created it!  And that inspires us to keep on creating grander and larger versions of ourselves.  How exciting life is!           

4-week Vision Board Class

Soul Sisters all started with a vision.  And before we even knew what that vision looked like, we had an idea in mind of what we wanted to do.  Creating a vision board was the first step in manifesting our dreams.  Through this process we were able to define what it was that we wanted in our lives and create a clear picture of what that would look like.  Now that we are living in line with our purpose, we consider ourselves Master Manifestors!  We will be teaching a Vision Board class at St. Elmos Fire for 4 weeks from May 10th till May 31st.  We will teach you how to create an inspiring vision board and also show you how to use it as a powerful manifesting tool.   If you would like to sign up for this course please contact us now to reserve your spot. 

Dates and Time:  6-7:30- on Tuesday’s May 10th, May 17th, May 24th, and May 31st
Location:  St. Elmos Fire, 1194 Carp Rd, Stittsville Ontario, K2S 1B9
Price:  $45
Contact us to sign up:  Email: or Call:  (613) 435-7685